Final year project
Stained [Read more]

வெளுத்தது எல்லாம் பாலல்ல - Veluthathu Ellam Paal Alla.
This painting is part of my project 'Stained'. It is a series of works created using predominantly turmeric and with small portions of chilli powder and saffron.

Maquette - Exhibition View
This is an MDF maquette of my exhibition space. Before entering my 'domestic' space, viewers will be requested to leave their shoes outside. The wall-length paintings will be taken from my project 'Stained' with text laser cut onto them. The table in the middle is only 30cm from the floor, encouraging viewers to sit down on the floor and be a part of the exhibition/domestic space.

Chess Table
This is a work-in-progress image of the Chess Table that will be in the centre of my exhibition space. The map in the centre will be stuffed with a variety of spices to augment the aroma of the space.

Untitled #1
This painting is also a part of my project, Stained. It is also created using turmeric, chilli powder and saffron as part of the project.

Chess Pieces
These pieces will go on to the top of the Chess Table in my exhibition. The mound of spices will stand tall on the table and add to the multi-sensory experience by appealing to the olfactory sense of the viewers.
Shivangi Chandrasekhar
My work aims to metaphorically synthesise through tangible elements, my experience of a ‘lived’ cultural plurality by drawing on my ‘non-Western’ cultural roots, in order to explore my own hybrid cultural identity.
Final year project
Graduated with a Diploma in International Studies from Universidad de Zaragoza, Campus de Teruel, Spain.