Final year project
Healing [Read more]

This image includes a selection of oil painted glass paintings overlapped on top of a light box to create the colourful bold shapes seen.

This image includes a projection of the glass paintings onto a model to show the aim of the audience immersing themselves within the paintings.

This image includes a selection of oil painted glass paintings overlapped on top of a light box to create the colourful bold shapes seen.

This image includes a projection of the glass paintings onto a model to show the aim of the audience immersing themselves within the paintings.
Mae E Hickling
Abstract artist using painting and light as a self-healing mechanism.
My work is titled healing and the aim of it was to create an immersive space in which the viewer achieves a sense of calmness or safeness that in effect would cause, big or small, internal healing. Some of the main artists that inspired my work included, Jason Martin, Tassia Bianchini and James Turrell, who all explore the themes of colour, movement, scale, and expression, Bianchini and Martin in particular. Throughout the history of painting, there has always been a separation between artists whose work is more figurative and those whose work is more abstract, particularly when it came to the abstract expressionist movement which attempted to break away from conventional forms of art and aimed to tap into their inner self and use that as a source of inspiration. This movement has definitely inspired the majority of my work as I am often drawn to making more explosive, energetic paintings. Overall, I use my art, not only as a form of self-healing and expression but hopefully as a mechanism to engage the audience so that they too can restore a form of inner comfort.
Final year project
After College, having received my A-Level results, I was awarded the "Best Performance Award" in Fine art for that year (2019-2020).