Final year project
Project 1 - 'DIRTY TALK' | Project 2 - 'OFF THE… [Read more]

Project 1 | DIRTYTALK | Font Illustration
DirtyTalk is a collaboration project I did with Niamh Young. The project is aimed at young adults aged 18-25, who were more willing to partake in the riskier side of sex. From our research, we have found that with this age group, there has been a rise in the popularity of BDSM. Young adults are more likely to try out high-risk sex in order to spice up relationships or to try out something they found within the media, without any research into how to do it safely. This could and has led to some lethal consequences.
Our goal is not to persuade people to disengage with BDSM, in fact, quite the opposite. We want to create a space where people can safely talk about the dirtier side of sex without judgement. Our project looks into the different avenues of riskier sex in order to promote the normalisation and safeties that must be looked at when exploring. This will lead to more knowledge on the topic to be passed around, so when people want to explore sex, they can do it in a safe way.

Project 1 | DIRTYTALK | App Interface Mockup
We decided an easily accessible app would be the best way to get information across to our target audience. As websites can be a hassle to have to quickly lookup and gather information. With the app, the information would be right there when you open it, as you will have integrated your personal preferences upon creating an account.
As you can see, it is a clean, easy to read design. We wanted it to look clean but to look welcoming and mischievous as well.
We both worked very well together, split up the work equally so we were each contributing to the outcomes and ideas behind each design. I worked on finalising the app designs creating the clean final interface, Niamh working on the illustrations to bring through the whimsical and mischievous side of our app.

Project 2 | OFF THE GRID | Characters with Type
The goal of 'OFF THE GRID', is to encourage people off their phones to get away from social media, spending more time with themselves, to grow and appreciate the smaller things in life. To achieve this I have designed 'hobby boxes' that allow people to learn a new skill or have a chance to do something they've been wanting to do. Whether that be knitting, learning a language, planting, or self-care.
The idea is to go off the grid away from your phone and social media, ask yourself why you go on it and if that time could be used for a new hobby.
My concept rides off the back of what we gained from COVID, an appreciation of the small things that would go overlooked if our lives had been kept busy and fast-paced.

Project 2 | OFF THE GRID | Characters and Slogan
My research showed that on average, 16-24-year-olds tend to spend at least 3 hours a day on social media, which has grown due to COVID-19. This has proved to increase signs of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and/or loneliness. With simple changes to our daily routines, we can decrease the amount we rely on social media to cure boredom or loneliness. In fact, it has shown just by acknowledging social media as a possible cause of depleting mental health, can raise awareness of the amount we use it, and asking ourselves 'WHY' we pick up our phone can help us to use it for the right reasons instead of an escape from reality.
These whimsical characters will be used to promote the hobby boxes, with their playful characteristics and clumsy demeanour, will allow people to distinguish my product from others, and to present the ideas of each of the boxes.

Project 1 | DIRTYTALK | App Interface
Back to DIRTYTALK. In this image, we decided to utilise the characters for pop-ups to show the viewer around the app, so they know where to go and what to do. We felt it created a friendlier feeling to it, instead of having users decode where to go next.
Depending on what preferences you picked when opening the app, it would coordinate the characters with your sexual preferences and the gender you identify with.

Project 1 | DIRTYTALK | App Mock Up
As you can see, this is an app mockup of our A-Z list for the information on each kink. You would get a general description of what it is you want the information on, then when you scroll down you will get to look through a 'useful tip', some 'need-to-know' information and a 'caution when doing' section.
Each section will come with a severity warning, ranked from low to high based on how dangerous each act can be, and depending on your preferences you will get different characters.

Project 1 | Characters | OFF THE GRID
These characters will be the main form of advertisement for my concept, made into animations to promote and show what each box entails. They will be short animations of only about 20 seconds long. It will include one of the characters engaging in the activity of the hobby box, then the 'OFF THE GRID' logo will appear. Showing their clumsy whimsical side and presenting the voice of the project.
To promote my concept further, there will be a pop-up campaign that allows people to pick a hobby box from any one of the doors that relate to the box inside. This campaign will go to all Universities, High Schools and Colleges to allow promotion of the product and to reach my intended audience. The website will be advertised to where anyone that didn't get a box can go and order one. All first boxes are free, to allow more incentive to try out new hobbies to get OFF THE GRID.

Project 2 | OFF THE GRID | Pattern Design
This is one of the pattern designs from the 'Sew a seed' learning to plant box for my OFF THE GRID project.
Lois Blakeman
After the research stages, I like to get all my initial ideas out on paper, even if they're terrible, they tend to inspire something better.
I see myself as a strong outgoing person and I try to reflect that in the work I do. I take a particular interest in typography and font design. It really does tie a whole project together, and if done wrong can throw off the entire mood.
Along with this, I really enjoy illustrating around my project, adding a few touches here and there really do help improve a project. I think one of my greatest strengths is taking on challenges, I'm always willing to try something new, and won't rest till it's done right.
I really felt these projects could have a potential future within the design world, and could have an impact on the way we view ourselves and others around us.
Final year project
Project 1 - 'DIRTY TALK' | Project 2 - 'OFF THE GRID'
Work Experience
For my third year of the University, I was fortunate enough to be able to travel to Japan to do a study exchange between Loughborough and Joshibi University.
My experience there was crucial to my growth as a designer and illustrator. Being able to see the design from a whole new perspective, in an opposite culture, with different societal norms, enabled me to be more open to design possibilities and attitudes within multiple different cultures.