Final year project
Apollo: Supporting SEN Pupils in Developing Communication and Self-Reliance Skills [Read more]
Apollo: Product Overview & Features
The proposal features two main devices, a handheld product used by the pupil, and a separate desk-based product for their teacher. Through navigating their handheld device, the SEN pupil is able to access learning resources and individual objectives, without the need for direct teacher input.
The teacher's device notifies them when a pupil may be in need of assistance, or when they have met a learning objective. The two devices remotely communicate to collect data on pupil performance during lessons, allowing better resource planning and one-to-one feedback.
Supporting Communication & Individual Development
Apollo aims to support the over 1 million school pupils with special educational needs in the UK. Many of these pupils have difficulty with speech and language, as well as communication, hampering their education and individual development.
Designed for Accessibility
One of the main draws of the Apollo over existing products or teaching methods is reduced cost and improved accessibility. Apollo has been designed to reflect the budget available to schools for SEN resources and has been developed with repair and accessibility in mind. The result is a product that is more robust than others on the market, giving schools more freedom in who they are able to allocate the product to.
Adapted for Schools
The design of each component has been carefully considered for use in schools. The silicone grip on the handheld device is available in a multitude of colours and textures, providing ergonomic support as well as impact protection. The desk device is also available in a range of fabrics, allowing it to reflect the theme of any classroom.
Improved Functionality for Pupil & Teacher
Key features are utilised for both pupil and teacher to enhance the learning experience. The Handheld device features a 5" screen with easily navigable controls for a wide array of potential users, along with long battery life to last several days of use. The teacher's device contains a speaker for audio playback, useful for individual speech and language tutorials outside of lesson time.
Design for Manufacture
Existing technology is utilised to ensure Apollo is not priced out budget for schools, and parts have been designed for fabrication at minimal cost using mass production techniques. This allows multiple units to be purchased for less than the price of a single more expensive tablet or an alternative product.
Prototyping & Development
To aid the development of the product several prototyping methods were utilised. One of the most beneficial was 3D printing and silicone casting, which allowed for refinement of sizing and ergonomics.
Edward Hepworth
With Apollo I have attempted to provide an accessible service for schools struggling to meet the demanding needs of SEN pupils in education.
I approach all my work with attentiveness and a committed attitude in order to produce concepts that are to the highest standard I can provide. Throughout university, I have experienced a broad range of challenges and working briefs, which I would aim to see continue at an inspiring design studio post-graduation.
I enjoy the use of technology and exploring ways in which it can be incorporated into my design work, as well as how it can inspire future projects.
Final year project
Apollo: Supporting SEN Pupils in Developing Communication and Self-Reliance Skills
'20 Diploma in Professional Studies
'18 Academic Excellence Award, awarded in recognition of being the highest achieving Industrial Design student at the Design School in First Year
Student Starpack 2018 - Gold & Sponsor 1st Prize Award
WorldStar Student Award 2018 Certificate of Recognition
Work Experience
September 2019 - February 2020
Junior Product Designer, Studio F.A. Porsche