Final year project

Trident, Sailing Safety Vest
Trident is a product designed to improve the successful rescue rate of man overboard occurrences during sailing. The device contains a pole that is deployed on entry into the water and acts as a rescue beacon, with light and a flag to increase victim visibility. The vest contains a rescue line connected to the pole that can be used to winch the person back on board with minimal exertion required from crew members. Designing a product with user safety at sea was a challenge, as the environment and mobility of users is a large limiting factor on any proposed solution.

Pole Beacon Release and Safety Line Deployment
This image shows the pole being detached by rescuers and the safety line uncoiling as it moves with the pole. The crew can then disengage the rope and attach it to the main halyard or any other lifting technique preferred by the captain. This means that even with an unconscious user, rescue is still simple and effective, as the person in the water is not required to initiate a rescue.

Trident Vest in Use
The vest is designed so that it can seamlessly fit into any sailor’s routine and not be invasive, uncomfortable or restrict movement. Research during the project showed that lifejackets are often neglected due to their lack of comfort and cumbersome form. Trident attempts to minimise these issues to encourage users to wear the device, although it is not a replacement for a buoyancy aid. The vest is waterproof yet breathable and the backplate is flexible to allow back movement but also offers structural support when the pole is deployed.

Trident Functionality Storyboard
When a wearer falls overboard the pole deploys from the back of the vest and creates a locating beacon for fellow crewmembers to spot. Spotting a person at sea level is incredibly difficult, even in clear conditions and is the main contributor to man overboard deaths. Once the crew draw alongside the users, they can detach the pole and have access to the safety line. They can remove the line and attach it to the yachts rigging and complete the rescue. The key advantage here is the ability to gain a mechanical advantage, as lifting a person from below floor level is incredibly challenging.

Trident Protoyping
Prototyping was conducted to ensure that the pole housing and release action was feasible. The pole uses its own tension to deploy and this keeps the parts required to a minimum. Simplicity and reliability are key in a safety device and that was the goal during testing. The vest and rope layout were created and a functional model was achieved that acted as a proof of concept. Form models were created to make sure that the unit would fit the environment and not look out of place on the vest.

Futurenova iBioshield Case
During my industry placement at Futurenova Ltd, I had the unique opportunity to take a product through the entire design process from sketches and CAD to injection moulding and patenting. The product is a medical-grade iPhone case that stops virus DNA replication. The case needed to be waterproof, impact-resistant and cleanable with hospital-grade disinfectants and UV treatment. It Has shatterproof touch-sensitive Gorilla Glass and can be charged without removing the phone or in a bank charging unit. I also created imagery for proposals to large potential clients such as Siemens Healthanieers and the product is on trial at partner hospitals in the US and Canada. This was an incredible opportunity to act as a professional product designer and could not have been a more in-depth introduction to the industry. The product can be viewed on sale at:

SoundSleep, Live project
This week long rapid concept brief was put forward by Cambridge Consultants and was a challenge to create an innovative wellbeing solution for any aspect of life. The SoundSleep concept is inspired by the growing trend of ASMR, which has risen in popularity to become the third most searched topic on YouTube. The scientific community have not fully caught up with this phenomenon, but initial research seems to support what viewers have been claiming, with regards to relaxation. Scientific papers are beginning to reveal that ASMR could help reduce stress, help with sleep and activate areas of the brain associated with group bonding.

SoundSleep ASMR Viewing Solutions
The main issue encountered by users attempting to watch ASMR is the lack of comfort afforded by current viewing methods. At present most viewers use a mobile device in bed or a laptop while sitting upright. Comfort helps facilitate the feeling induced by ASMR so the goal of the product was to create a system where viewers could fall asleep while watching ASMR. The pillow has three screens, with anti-blue light filters, to provide a number of viewing orientations. Some users watch ASMR during work breaks and while travelling to relax so a section of the pillow is removable and forms a neck pillow.
Callum Morris
With my work I aim to solve a problem with innovative technology and functional core elements, to produce attractive and exciting products.
During my studies, I have aimed to push the boundaries on how my products function and constantly attempted to find novel techniques to enhance their operation. I have a passion for mechanisms and attempt to link abstract functionality I have observed, with the designs I create. Marrying this with an affinity with the arts, my goal is always to create a well-rounded product that balances function and aesthetics.
Work Experience
I worked at Futurenova Ltd as a product designer. My task for the year was to complete the design of the iBioshield iPhone case, to be used by nurses and medical professionals globally. I took over the design at the CAD concept stage and created a completed, functional CAD model. I assisted with DFM and saw the product injection moulded. I was also tasked with sourcing materials and technology used to solve specific issues. I oversaw part procurement and worked with a lawyer to patent the functional elements that I designed. Finally, I partnered with external electronic designers to create the charging adaptor. The product specifications included: creating a water-proof, impact-resistant case, that could charge without the mobile device being removed and with bank charging capabilities. The case's plastic is able to stop DNA replication of MYRSA virus and other common viral diseases found in hospitals, for this reason, cleaning was a massive design consideration. The product is currently on trial in North America and Canada and is being used by partnered hospitals in these regions. The product can be viewed at the Futurnova website: