Final year project
Personal cooling device [Read more]

Avital - FYDP Project
Avital is a personal wearable cooling vest mainly designed for athletes who compete in intermittent sports. It uses a Thermoelectric module that keeps the water cold in a reservoir then circulates this through the tubes in the vest.

Person renders of proposed Design
Rendered images of front and back proposed design showing how the vest would look on the user.

Functional Prototype
This prototype was manufactured to show proof of concept of the working vest and its functionalities. The model uses both cooling gels and thermoelectric to cool down the user.

Grind Don't Stop - Automatic Aeropress
As part of our final year Mechanics and Electronics module, we were challenged with designing and building a functional autonomous coffee machine. The project involved utilizing our knowledge in Mechanical systems, C programming and embedded systems.
Brayan Benjamin
Making it simple but significant enough to change lives and having an understanding of the real design issues faced by other communities.
Hard-working, Self-driven and Enthusiastic. I am passionate about developing products that would have an impact on daily lives especially in developing countries and thanking outside the box on how these problems could be approached. Spending my placement year working for Goodfish Group as a quality technician in injection moulding allowed me to be involved in many areas of the business from new product development and fully understanding the stages of manufacturing. My career goal is to utilize the knowledge and skills I have gained and take this further to help improve product development in my local community.
Final year project
Personal cooling device
'20 Diploma in Professional Studies
'15-17 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
'15 National Citizenship Programme
Work Experience
15-17 Electronics and Technology consultant at Maplin Electronics
'17-18 Designed new sports bar for Peterborough Football club
'18-19 Stash Rep for my University hall
September 2020 - August 2021 Quality Technician at Goodfish Group