Final year project
Conscious Consumerism [Read more]
Cleansing Of The Temple
Jesus rids the temple from the gold trading Jews that went against his word.
-Screen Printed on Paper
Scrooge Mcduck
The embodiment of consumerism including the iconic Campbell's soup cans, scrooge McDuck and bold flashy colours to accentuate the piece as a whole.
-Digital Artwork
Consumerism Coin
Layered circular coin depicting consumerist qualities as well as patterns and texture. This is the digital visualisation of the wooden outcome.
-Digital Artwork
Money Talks
The beauty and power of money, the currency that runs and speaks for the world.
-Digital Artwork
Wojciech Krupa
Digital Art and Aesthetic
My work is a blend of screen printing and traditional media, and digital media in one. I aim to explore consumerism but money as a social construct. There is a wide range of work I have created moving from wooden wall installations to digital media prints to screen prints on money to vandalise and deface its value and heritage all in a bid to find the true meaning of money.
Final year project
Conscious Consumerism