Final year project
Provide a device to improve the task of commercial gillnet fishing… [Read more]
NET-I is a Gillnet Catch Monitor.
At the current moment, many forms of commercial fishing are advancing due to technology except for gillnetting. Gillnetting is a form of commercial fishing which uses a fishing net set perpendicular to the seabed with specific size meshes to trap targetted fish. This is left in the water for hours to days with only the fishermen travelling back and forth to be able to monitor. Gillnets are considered to be one of the first forms of fishing and still used across the world. This design solution is to aid gillnet deckhands to monitor their static gillnets set up inshore.
NET-I Uses Sonar Technology to Monitor Targetted Fishes in the Net.
This device uses sonar technology at the base of the device facing the net, which will monitor their gillnets, providing information on their catch in the nets. The aim of NET-I is to increase efficiency when using gillnets and reduces the chance of gillnets being lost and becoming ghost gear.
Designed for Ease on A Boat in A Marine Environment.
The device includes all electronics permanently sealed inside a removable box casing. Therefore, there is no need to consistently clean the entire device of sea debris to be recharged.
Designed for a Gillnet
The device is designed to float along with the float line of the gillnet which will not affect the configuration/function of the gillnet. The design includes an attachment feature which prevents the device from causing tangles in the net and allowing the device to land in the water always right side up.
NET-I Works in Batches.
More than one NET-I is needed depending on the length of the net to ensure a suitable amount of the net is monitored.
Aid to Prevent Children With Eczema From Scratching.
Allay is an aid that uses tapping motions to reduce itching, inflammation, and potential scaring when the child feels the need to scratch. The aesthetic is not only to make the child feel comfortable but also to form an attachment similar to a toy.
Long Term Use From Adult to Child.
This device is designed to eventually teach a child how to properly care for their skin long term and to prevent worsening their skin condition. This will also help the parent from feeling overwhelmed and stress when their child is suffering from eczema.
Luxury Tea Packaging Made From Metal for Luxury Brands.
Givtea was designed as a luxury-packaging for high-end groceries and retailers. The form is designed to be stackable in threes for shelf purposes in shops and organising purposes at home. This is designed with creative use of tin, innovative use of decorative element and increasing consumer appeal.
Chesca Atender
I am a conscientious, optimistic and creative person who enjoys the challenges of problem solving motivated to ease people's everyday lives in a sustainable way.
I have always believed we are unable to move into the future unless our products allow us to. This is why design technology is at the forefront of innovations in the present world. I enjoy taking my ideas stemming from a problem and developing it into a tangible solution. Recognising an issue and finding a need for a solution has been where all my projects have started. As a student I am surrounded by multiple opportunities to carry out different projects, enabling me to explore and adapt different areas from environmental problems to user interaction and manufacturing approaches. I feel because of this I am able to adapt to different areas of I define myself as an optimistic, determined, source of creativity which I am proud of. I value the freedom and lengths I am able to carry out my projects including primary research relating to users.
Through design, my goal is to contribute to easing people's everyday lives while incorporating sustainability and aesthetics. I look forward to the challenges in the future and to thrive as an inventive designer.
Final year project
Provide a device to improve the task of commercial gillnet fishing and reduce ghost gear in the ocean.
'21 Diploma in Professional Studies
'18 WPO WorldStar Certificate of Recognition
'18 Student Starpack Gold Award and Sponsorship Award